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Source: http://blog.mindjet.com/2012/06/why-cats-rule-dogs-drool-qa-with-buzzfeeds-beastmaster/ |
Let's start with a small (but arguably, life-changing) quizz: Which one of the descriptions below applies best to you?
(1) You prefer
spending time on your own rather than with others
(2) You’re often ready to
explore new things or ideas
(3) People often say you’re easy to get along with
(4) You absolutely love energy-consuming, outdoor activities.
The reasoning is as follows: if you think (1) & (2) apply better to yourself, you’re probably a “cat person” (i.e., a person who loves cats). But if you picture yourself better in description (3) & (4), you’re more likely to be a “dog person”. At least, according to popular culture. The Internet is flooded with endless debates, derogatory cartoons and very serious, pet-enthusiastic websites, all fiercely arguing the Fundamental Question: Who are better, dogs (persons) or cats (persons)? This is of the utmost importance since it is widely believed that being a dog or a cat person reveals much about your inner self. That’s why it is not uncommon to use this categorization as a way of assessing whether you would get along with a new roommate, business colleague or romantic partner. This popular culture topic has garnered some attention in the scientific realm as well. Let's consider some of the findings.
The long-standing rivalry between dogs (lovers) and cats (lovers)
In a recent study, Gosling et al. (2010) asked
their participants to fill the Big Five Inventory, a validated personality
scale, and indicate whether they identified themselves as a dog person, a cat
person, both or neither. Results? On average, dog persons were more extraverted, agreeable and conscientious than cat
persons. However, cat persons scored
higher on openness to experience (curiosity and originality) and on neuroticism (nervousness and
emotional sensitivity). Basically, cat persons seem like the creative artist
type while dog persons seem more like the outgoing/party-all-night type.
Another study found that dog people scored
higher than cat people on Social Dominance Orientation (ideological belief that
hierarchy and inequality are “natural and desirable”) and competitiveness
(desire for superiority over others) (Alba & Haslam, 2014). Somewhat daringly (they’re probably cat persons), the authors suggested that
dominance-oriented individuals tend to select more submissive pets (e.g., dogs)
as a way to complement their own
personality. Although statistically significant, the size of these differences is quite small. Thus please do not eye
suspiciously all dogs’ owners you will encounter from now on: the possibility
that they’re evil, world dominance-seeking individuals probably remains quite
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Source: http://www.shoeboxblog.com/?p=27151 |
Apparently, gender differences also appear in pets’ selection. You probably
have more typical pictures in mind of the old lady with the dozens (smelly)
cats, and the solitary (cabin living) man with the faithful dog - rather than
the opposite. Indeed, it seems that women are more likely to label themselves
as cat lovers whereas men are more likely to label themselves as dog lovers
(Perrine & Osbourne, 1998). And dog lovers of both genders perceive
themselves as more masculine and independent by comparison to cat lovers
(Perrine & Osbourne, 1998). Thus, cats
are primarily associated with “femininity” whereas dogs are primarily
associated with “masculinity”. Indeed, scholars have pointed out the seeming
overlapping between the “qualities that dogs and men are culturally expected to
share (e.g., being hunters, protective, aggressive) and qualities that cats and
women are culturally expected to share (e.g., being soft, graceful,
uncontrollable, sneaky)” (Mitchell & Ellis, 2013, p.2). Accordingly, when
participants were asked to match different individuals with the pet they were
more likely to own, women pictures were more often paired with small dogs or
cats, while men pictures were more often paired with large dogs (Budge et al.,
have] general beliefs about what sorts of people go with what sorts of pet”
“[We have] general beliefs about what sorts of people go with what sorts of pet”
Our perception of (and judgments about) the
persons surrounding us are often influenced by our beliefs or preconceptions
about the world. And pets-related judgments are no exception to this: it seems
we have “general beliefs about what
sorts of people go with what sorts of pet” (Budge et al., 1997, p. 37). And
these common preconceptions are based on many different characteristics, gender
being only one of them. For instance, a seemingly wealthy individual is more
likely to be paired with an expensive dog or cat breed; and older persons are
more often paired with smaller pets because of their (assumed) reduced ability
to take care of bigger ones (Budge et al., 1997).
Thus, if dog persons and cat persons are widely
believed to possess different personalities, it probably has a lot to do with
our stereotypical beliefs regarding who
is more likely to own a dog or a cat - or a turtle, for that matter,
although I’d be hard pressed to elaborate on the stereotypical traits
attributed to turtle owners (maybe slow, wise and hard-thinking individuals,
thanks to La Fontaine’s Fable?). A
common belief that has been found to organize much of pet-owners pairings is
the one stipulating that owners and pets are psychologically similar to each other; i.e., that they share common
personality traits (May et al., 2004). Some studies regarding such
psychological similarity between owners and pets have been indeed conducted,
offering pretty surprising (and sometimes, frankly humorous) results.
You’re like me, thus I like you
When comparing owners’ personality with their
dog’s personality (as described by the owner), some investigators have found a great
similarity between the two (Turcsàn et al., 2012). Might the owners be simply projecting their own personality traits
on their dog? This seems unlikely since family members who assessed the dog’s personality gave high similarity ratings as well between the owner and the dog
on several dimensions, which rules out the possibility of projection.
Apparently, right from the beginning,
owners tend to select dogs that they perceive to be similar to themselves. This
is not so surprising given humans’ general tendency to be attracted to similar
others (e.g., when seeking friendship). The same might apply to pet selection.
For instance, it has been shown that owners of “aggressive” dog breeds (e.g.,
Rottweiler) scored higher on “psychoticism” than “non-aggressive” dog owners;
and this is meaningful since psychoticism is usually associated with a tendency toward
“anger, hostility and aggression”; Wells & Hepper, 2012, p.772). Thus,
people with more aggressive tendencies seem to choose dogs that are perceived to
be aggressive as well. Of course, let me emphasize (before bearing the wrath of all Rottweiler’s owners out there) that all
Rottweilers are not necessarily
“aggressive”; these are (stereotypical) beliefs. Indeed, not all dog breeds are
perceived the same way: whereas Poodles are seen as spoiled (maybe a side effect of the ponytails ? See fig. 1), Bulldogs are
primarily perceived as lazy, Collies
(remember Lassie?) as heroic and Chihuahuas as nervous (May et al., 2004).
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Fig. 1. Poodles are perceived as spoiled Source: http://www.petguide.com/breeds/dog/poodle |
Look at the above picture of a Poodle for instance. What is the first image of the likely owner that popped in your mind? Is it more along the lines of a wealthy young (spoiled) individual or that of a loan-indebted Anthropology student? This is pretty much the task used by May et al. (2004; study 1) in their study. Their participants saw dogs’ pictures (of different breeds) next to pictures of individuals who were (falsely) claimed to be the dogs’ owners. In a later task, participants were asked to rate the “owner” on several traits.
Results are quite surprising: the alleged “owners”
were perceived as possessing the trait typically associated with the dog breed
that they were previously paired with. So the same individual appeared
friendlier when believed to own a Cocker Spaniel (fig. 2, top picture) but more intelligent
when believed to own a Jack Russell Terrier (ig. 2, bottom picture). Both
dogs’ owners and non-owners participants fell prey to this “dog bias” in
impression formation.
How can the mere presence of a dog change the
perception of its “owner”? According to the authors, this is a case of spontaneous trait transference: an
automatic, associative process in which the characteristics associated with a
specific individual (specimen of a breed) gets transferred to another individual
(the owner) who happens to share the same environment. These results are particularly
interesting as it means that detrimental effects might result sometimes, if association
with a negatively perceived pet stigmatizes its owner. Of course, this could go the other way around: association with a positively perceived pet might
enhance the owner’s public image.
Taking these findings into account, if cats and dogs persons seem so different from
one another, it may be partly related to the fact that they are paired with different species
(from which different characteristics are expected). Indeed, since we
believe owners are similar to the pet they own, we may be quick to infer that
dogs’ owners for instance possess the same characteristics that are typically
associated with the dog species in general (e.g., being noisy, liking outdoor
activity, loyal, etc.). On the contrary, we would readily expect cats’ owners to
share characteristics typically associated with cats (e.g., being aloof,
autonomous, liking indoor activities, etc.).
All of the above doesn't really explain why actual (but small) "personality" differences are found between self-identified dog and cat persons. My humble opinion on this issue is the following: the same pet-related beliefs that lead us to perceive differently owners of various pet species could also explain why people choose to label themselves as dog or cat (or snake) persons in the first place. Indeed, those pet-related beliefs - as many other types of stereotypes - are likely to be culturally shaped and shared to some extent by an entire group or society, including pet owners. Thus, those who label themselves as dog persons or cat persons may do so primarily on the basis of:
- their own perceived traits (e.g., "I'm a socially inclined and outgoing individual"),
- pet species-related beliefs (e.g., "Cats are socially challenged whereas dogs are more extraverted"), and
- folk theories regarding pet-owner compatibility (e.g., "Some pets are better suited to some kind of personalities").
Consequently, this allow to infer what kind of pet one would get along better with (e.g., "I am probably a dog person"). Once the label of this perceived distinct category ("dog persons") is applied to oneself, it's easier to identify with (or even develop) the characteristics other members of the same category are believed to display. This will in turn perpetuate the stereotype, since every time outsiders will encounter dog or cat persons who fit the stereotypical profile, it may strengthen their belief in the existence of innate personality differences between dog and cat people.
In sum, it seems that even inconspicuous topics such as pet-related perceptions and pet-owner relationships can be far more complex than readily expected. Earlier studies mostly searched for personality differences between owners of different pets species or breeds, thus sometimes overlooking the crucial role of beliefs and stereotypes in these matters. However, this blog post took a different outlook and focused primarily on social psychological mechanisms underlying pets and owners-related perceptions, although further research (cross-cultural in particular) is still somewhat needed in this field.
In any case, if you’re curious about whether you are a dog or cat person, check out one of the numerous (and funny) personality tests that pet enthusiastic people have charitably crafted: Click here: the way to the truth about your inner self. Also, I do apologize to all self-identified turtle lovers, as it seems the only turtle personality tests available so far are specifically related to the Mutant Ninjas Turtles - which admittedly may not be all that helpful.
Another look at personality differences between cat and dog persons
All of the above doesn't really explain why actual (but small) "personality" differences are found between self-identified dog and cat persons. My humble opinion on this issue is the following: the same pet-related beliefs that lead us to perceive differently owners of various pet species could also explain why people choose to label themselves as dog or cat (or snake) persons in the first place. Indeed, those pet-related beliefs - as many other types of stereotypes - are likely to be culturally shaped and shared to some extent by an entire group or society, including pet owners. Thus, those who label themselves as dog persons or cat persons may do so primarily on the basis of:
- their own perceived traits (e.g., "I'm a socially inclined and outgoing individual"),
- pet species-related beliefs (e.g., "Cats are socially challenged whereas dogs are more extraverted"), and
- folk theories regarding pet-owner compatibility (e.g., "Some pets are better suited to some kind of personalities").
Consequently, this allow to infer what kind of pet one would get along better with (e.g., "I am probably a dog person"). Once the label of this perceived distinct category ("dog persons") is applied to oneself, it's easier to identify with (or even develop) the characteristics other members of the same category are believed to display. This will in turn perpetuate the stereotype, since every time outsiders will encounter dog or cat persons who fit the stereotypical profile, it may strengthen their belief in the existence of innate personality differences between dog and cat people.
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Source: http://www.how-to-draw-funny-cartoons.com/turtle-drawings.html |
In sum, it seems that even inconspicuous topics such as pet-related perceptions and pet-owner relationships can be far more complex than readily expected. Earlier studies mostly searched for personality differences between owners of different pets species or breeds, thus sometimes overlooking the crucial role of beliefs and stereotypes in these matters. However, this blog post took a different outlook and focused primarily on social psychological mechanisms underlying pets and owners-related perceptions, although further research (cross-cultural in particular) is still somewhat needed in this field.
In any case, if you’re curious about whether you are a dog or cat person, check out one of the numerous (and funny) personality tests that pet enthusiastic people have charitably crafted: Click here: the way to the truth about your inner self. Also, I do apologize to all self-identified turtle lovers, as it seems the only turtle personality tests available so far are specifically related to the Mutant Ninjas Turtles - which admittedly may not be all that helpful.
Djouaria Ghilani is a Ph.D. student at the Université Libre de Bruxelles. She works on the role of historical analogies in political judgment
Alba, B., &
Haslam, N. (2014). Dog people and cat people differ on dominance-related
traits. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary
Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals.
Budge, C. R.,
Spicer, J., St George, R., & Jones, B. R. (1997). Compatibility stereotypes
of people and pets: A photograph matching study. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People
& Animals, 10(1), 37-46.
Gosling, S. D.,
Sandy, C. J., & Potter, J. (2010). Personalities of self-identified “dog
people” and “cat people”. Anthrozoos: A
Multidisciplinary Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals, 23(3),
Mae, L., McMorris,
L. E., & Hendry, J. L. (2004). Spontaneous trait transference from dogs to
owners. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary
Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals, 17(3), 225-243.
Mitchell, R. W.,
& Ellis, A. L. (2013). Cat Person, Dog Person, Gay, or Heterosexual: The
Effect of Labels on a Man’s Perceived Masculinity, Femininity, and Likability. Society & Animals, 21(1), 1-16.
Perrine, R. M.,
& Osbourne, H. L. (1998). Personality characteristics of dog and cat
persons. Anthrozoos: A Multidisciplinary
Journal of The Interactions of People & Animals, 11(1), 33-40.
Turcsán, B., Range,
F., Virányi, Z., Miklósi, Á., & Kubinyi, E. (2012). Birds of a feather
flock together? Perceived personality matching in owner–dog dyads. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 140(3),
Wells, D. L., &
Hepper, P. G. (2012). The personality of “aggressive” and “non-aggressive” dog
owners. Personality and Individual
Differences, 53(6), 770-773.
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ReplyDeletePoodle Dog Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts, Poodle Guide: Toy, Miniature, Standard, Teacup, Shedding, Sizes of Poodles, Poodle Colors, Types of Poodle Coats, Poodle Mixes, nutrition and care, health
Elegant. Proud. Clever. The Poodle is an impressive dog, as the many best-in-show winners from this dog breed can attest. But behind the blue ribbons, impressive hairdos, and regal attitude, you’ll find an affectionate family dog with an ancient history and many talents.
Even though these are purebred dogs, you may find them in the care of shelters or rescue groups. Remember to adopt! Don’t shop if you want to bring a dog home.
Poodles are regarded as one of the most intelligent breeds in the world. They’re highly trainable and well suited for just about any task you put them to — and you will want to give them tasks to do. Bored Poodles can get destructive if they aren’t physically and mentally stimulated. But active owners who can meet their dog’s needs will find a loving, smart, trainable, and loyal family companion.
Poodle Dog Breed Information, Pictures, Characteristics & Facts, Poodle Guide: Toy, Miniature, Standard, Teacup, Shedding, Sizes of Poodles, Poodle Colors, Types of Poodle Coats, Poodle Mixes, nutrition and care, health